How To Start A Blog Online $500 Scholarship For U.S. Students

Starting from 2015, How To Start A Blog Online offers a one-time $500 scholarship to one talented writer who is a student in any U.S. university, graduate program, community college or trade school. U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens are eligible to apply.

Scholarship 2015. How To Start A Blog Online

To apply for the 2015 How To Start A Blog Online Scholarship, write an essay and submit it via the form at the bottom of this page. Your essay should respond to the following prompts in 700 or fewer words:

Blogging provides important experiences that extend our knowledge and contribute to personal development. Think of how it has impacted society in dramatic ways and changed the way we approach learning and capacity building, and answer ALL the following questions.

  1. How have blogging and online learning tools changed our approach to teaching and learning in the last 10 years?
  2. In what ways can educators use blogs and online learning tools to create better learning experience for students?
  3. How can blogging empower young people to improve their communication skills and impact their communities?

You’re strongly encouraged to read this helpful background material, why blog?

Your essay should be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 12 and double line spacing. Submit it in PDF format using this document naming style: LastName_FirstName_2015 Scholarship.pdf.

Your essay must be your original work and written in English. Plagiarism is a ground for instant disqualification.

The deadline for all applications for the scholarship is December 9, 2015, 11:59pm PST.

The winners will be selected by the How To Start A Blog Online Scholarship Award Committee. Applicants are judged on quality and thoughtfulness of entries.

The winner will be announced on or before December 31 2015, on this page and on our newsletter. Feel free to subscribe to our newsletter below so you don’t miss the update.

Privacy Note: Your personal information is only used for administering and communicating our scholarship information to you. After the winner is announced, your personal information will be deleted from our records. If you wish to stay in touch year-round, or get our posts, please sign up for our mailing list.

About How To Start A Blog Online

How To Start A Blog Online helps businesses, entrepreneurs, writers, bloggers and artists get online, build audience and make impacts through its practical blogging education and resources.

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