Should I Start a Blog? 34 Things to Know (Before You Start)

Each day, about 172,800 blogs are created. That’s two blogs every second. With so many blogs springing up daily, you might be wondering, “Should I start a blog?”

Well, I think yes!

Have Your Blog Up & Running In 20 Minutes or Less!

My Free Step-By-Step Guide Will Get Your Blog Up & Running 20 Minutes Or Less

Further reading: Step-by-step guide to starting a blog.

Why blog?

In my short life, I’ve taken up and dropped a lot of vocations and hobbies.

I’ve done phone engineering and repair. I’ve devoted years to playing football. I’ve been preoccupied with video games. I’ve experimented with drawing and painting. I’ve engaged in moot court practice. I’ve even played with shoe making and other crafts.

But none of them has molded my person, given me as much freedom and fulfillment, and brought me influence and financial stability as blogging.

I’m such a big fan of blogging. Here are 34 compelling reasons to start a blog.

1. It helps you learn new things

Blogging is about sharing what you see, or want to see, in the world. It’s about teaching or sharing what you know and what you, too, are learning. When you start a blog, you’ll find yourself always learning new things about your areas of interest so you can keep sharing without running dry of ideas.

Think of it this way: when you set out to wash clothes, your objective is to clean the clothes, not your hands, but it’s your hands which become clean first.

2. It makes you think clearer

The ability to think clearly and generate ideas is one of life’s most critical skills, yet one of the things you don’t get taught in school. Blogging fills that void, helping you grow your thinking muscles exponentially.

You’ll learn to reflect deeply on your life, your relationships and your society; engage with others intellectually, appreciate the strengths in arguments and point out the flaws in them; appreciate the tiny distinctions between what, why and how; the nexus and disparity between excuses and justifications, and so on.

3. It helps you write better

Many things have boosted my writing proficiency over the years: essay contests, tapping from mentors, reading books, etc. But none of them has challenged me so consistently as blogging.

Here’s why: writing mastery comes with constant practice and blogging is just about that. In his epic book, On Writing, Stephen King discusses how once he didn’t write for several weeks due to an accident, and how when he started to write again, his words weren’t flowing well.

That’s how inconsistency weakens your writing muscle, and that’s why blogging, which keeps you writing regularly, helps you write better.

4. It builds your confidence

I used to be a timid introvert. Until I started blogging.

Blogging helps you learn to voice your opinions, dare to be wrong and stop being so scared to make mistakes. With blogging, you learn to recognize and build your strength, and also admit and improve on your weaknesses. With conversations happening on your blog, you learn to hear flattery without being carried away and take criticisms without losing your cool.

5. It helps you speak more coherently

A great speech starts with a sound script. The more you learn and share ideas about your areas of interests on your blog, the more comfortable you get discussing them verbally.

And over time, you grow confidence to face an audience and manage your nervousness on your subjects of interest. Soon, this diffuses to other verbal conversations.

6. It can make you money

Earning decent incomes from your blog is attainable once you create value with, and grow an audience around, it. Many big blogs make millions of dollars every year.

And me? I’m not a millionaire but I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars from blogging over the years. And I’ve done that while having ample time for my family and other engagements I enjoy.

7. It can help you aid good causes

Whether it’s bringing drinkable water to more people, supporting the education of orphans or building schools for poor communities, blogging can help you lend a helping hand to great causes you believe in.

When some bloggers launch an online course for instance, they pledge a percentage of the income to a charity. Jeff Goins donates 10% of sales from his course, Tribe Writers, to charity. Recently, Pat Flynn raised $26,251 from his blog readers in 24 countries, and added $25,000 to it himself, to build 2 schools in Ghana, in celebration of his 32nd birthday.

8. It requires no prior knowledge

With my step-by-step guide, you can have your blog up and running in just 15 minutes. You don’t need knowledge of HTML or other technical stuff. All you do is click options you want and save it to see the results.

I’ve helped hundreds of people who had no prior knowledge on creating a blog do that already. So, anyone can now start a blog because it’s super easy.

9. It challenges you

Let’s be honest, we all need to do something challenging at some points in life. It’s easy to slide into our comfort zones and stop growing. Not with blogging though!

Although starting a blog is easy, managing it is not. Coming up with interesting ideas, interacting with readers and building a community around the blog are awesome challenges that would force you to keep learning and growing. A great example of this is the digitizd blog.

10. It is free (or affordable)

Anyone can start a blog for free. And if you want more freedom with your blog, you can self-host, which is affordable for almost anyone.

What you’ll pay for a hosting package and a domain name is less than a movie ticket. With less than $75, you can get started and have your blog running in 15 minutes.

11. It helps you build an audience

People are attracted towards things and places they get value from. When you start a blog, you can start creating value and building an audience.

By the first half of 2012, I had won 5 writing contests. Consequently, friends started asking me to teach them how to write, and tell them about writing contests they, too, could enter. I would explain the same things to different persons at different times, each day.

The demand became overwhelming and so I thought of turning the problem into a prospect. That’s why I started my first blog, and the value I’ve created over the years has helped me build an audience of over 50,000 monthly readers.

12. It lets you help other people

You want to inspire young people to discover and explore their true potentials? Start a blog. You want to spread the virtues of your faith? Start a blog. You wish people would make better choices in relationships and want to help them achieve that? Start a blog.

It’s happening. Ordinary people everywhere are choosing themselves to do extraordinary things in other people’s lives via a blog. You can do it too, and now’s the best time ever to start.

13. It can help you influence public policy

Here’s a story you’ll love about how two girls, aged 9 and 13, and respectively in Scotland and Brazil, started their respective blogs to expose poor learning conditions in their schools. The first blog (which inspired the second) attracted almost 8 million readers in four months, while the second attracted over 200,000 readers in less than four weeks.

Expectedly, local authorities took notice and swiftly improved the schools’ conditions. The first blog even went ahead to raise £114,000 to feed school children in Malawi. How inspiring!

Whatever your age, you, too, can do so.

14. It disciplines you

Showing up at regular intervals is hard. Blogging helps you cultivate that discipline.

Personally, I’m lazy at connecting with people and keeping schedules. But with my blog, I have an incentive to show up, to write and publish often, to get the job done and eschew excuses. I’m grateful for it because it’s made me a better me.

15. It helps you build credibility

Certificates are fast losing their standing as the acceptable way to prove you have skills or knowledge on a subject. Whether you’re a job seeker, an entrepreneur seeking investors, an NGO representative seeking connections, or a professional seeking clients, starting and running a blog is the best way to build credibility.

By regularly sharing helpful information about a subject, and openly sharing bits about your life, your struggles and glories, you build trust and position yourself as an expert, and reaching your other goals becomes much easier.

16. It helps you get published

If you’re still waiting for a publisher to come pick you – who have no readers yet – you might wait till… forever. The way out? Pick yourself. The easiest way to get published today is to first get a blog and build a loyal readership.

Theresa Ragan was rejected by traditional publishers over 100 times spanning 19 years. Then she got smart and self-published, and within a year, she sold over 300,000 books!

She’s not alone. From Hugh Howey to James Altucher, today’s smartest authors are razing the entry barrier set by traditional publishers and self-publishing their ways to bestsellers, thanks to their blog audience.

17. It can land you speaking engagements

Your blog opens you up to a world of opportunities, including speaking engagements. The feeling is amazing. I know this because it’s happened to me. I’ve been invited to speak at events and keynote at conferences, thanks to thoughts I’ve shared on my blog.

James Altucher in his amazing book, Choose Yourself, discusses how he landed well over 100 speaking engagements in 9 years thanks to his blog and books. He made over $1 million from the speaking engagements and impacted hundreds of thousands of lives.

18. It can get you consulting deals

Thanks to his blog, Neil Patel has landed juicy consulting deals with companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Ebay, NBC, GM, HP, TechCrunch and Viacom. He’s been paid as high as $5,000 per hour for some of the consulting deals.

If there’s a subject you know much about, you should start a blog about it and it can land you consulting deals. If you think you don’t know enough about anything to be an expert at it, don’t worry. Just start a blog about a subject you love and you’ll learn much it and become an expert at it soon.

With the consulting deals, you can make a lot of money for yourself and help your clients reach their goals. Everybody wins.

19. It can get you freelance writing gigs

Carol Tice is a Seattle-based freelance writer killing it. With the help of her blog, she’s built a thriving freelance writing career that makes 6 figures annually, while teaching others and having quality time for her family. If you love writing, start a blog because there’s no better feeling than getting paid doing what you would gladly do for free.

And before you think this is only possible in the U.S., meet Bamidele Onibalusi, a Nigerian, resident in Nigeria, and making thousands of dollars monthly from freelance writing. There are tens of thousands of other such writers.

20. It can promote your art or hobby

We all have things that make us tick. Whether yours is writing, bead making, drawing, painting or singing, a blog can help you promote it.

Enter Hugh MacLeod who draws on the backs of business cards, and everyday on his blog, he posts one drawing. Thanks to that, he’s inspired hundreds of thousands of artists and helped them live their dreams without going hungry.

This inspiring piece by Leanne Regalla provides an in-depth examination of how 49 creative people use blogging to promote their art.

21. It sharpens your observation

Blogging challenges you to look beyond the obvious, to ask questions where everyone else simply nods, and to set the status quo on its head. The more you blog, the better you see and appreciate tiny details others take for granted. This translates to a better memory and improved performance in other stuff you do.

For instance, I’ve had excellent grades in my academic works without burning out, and I can honestly attribute this feat to my now keen observation skills, thanks to blogging.

22. It helps you stay in touch with distant friends and family

One of the most important concerns everyone should have in life are his family and friends… Family members who love and care. And true friends always ready to help and support your dreams.

But sometimes, dear people aren’t near. When the adventures and challenges of life come calling, we get too far, too busy or too distracted and forget these important people in our lives.

Having a blog where you document your life adventures, ideas and struggles (and maybe even receive comments) is a great way to stay connected with family and friends who might be thousands of kilometers away.

23. It advances your resume

Seth Godin argues that “if you’re remarkable, amazing or just plain spectacular, you probably shouldn’t have a resume at all.” He says a sophisticated project, or an insightful blog can sell you better than a resume.

You may not agree with Seth on not having a resume at all, but a blog can surely make your resume stand out from the pack. Feel free to see this inspiring story of a blogger whose blog made an employer come hunting for her and hand her a job she’s very excited about.

24. It boosts your offline business

According to a 2010 study by the Kelsey Group, 97% of all consumers use online media to shop locally. Also, another online study conducted by Intelius shows that 78% of consumers consider it important to look up information about businesses online before deciding to interact with them.

The conclusion is this: blogs help to influence customers’ buying decisions and if your business doesn’t take advantage of this, your competition will.

25. It boosts your creativity

Blogging pushes you to be resourceful, to envision and try to create the beautiful things you want to see in the world. You imagine better, create ideas that challenge norms and share your genius with others.

That’s how to become an idea machine. And you can go ahead to give the world something essential it doesn’t know it lacks.

26. It helps you make better choices

Many things happen in your life, relationships and environment every day. You read, see, feel and hear many things every day. You won’t be able to blog about them all. That means you’ll develop an eye for meaningful things.

By selectively blogging on only the most important things to you and your blog readers, you’ll improve your filter, and become more skilled at making better choices in your life.

27. It makes you happy

Personally, I’ve found that the feeling of having inspired, helped or saved someone is what gives me the greatest joy. I’ve heard many other people say the same thing.

And since I’ve embraced blogging, it has helped me become more generous with my knowledge. There’s an amazing bliss I feel with every positive comment, email, tweet and Facebook share I get from readers whose worlds my words have impacted.

It’s a great feeling and money cannot buy it.

28. It gives you freedom

Blogging can give you the freedom to work from anywhere, at any time of the day and on things you actually enjoy doing. It can give you the freedom to finally have ample time for your family and your hobbies.

And it can afford you the freedom to travel the world as you please while making a modest living from your blog.

29. It helps you acquire valuable new skills

When I started blogging, I didn’t know a thing about domain names, hosting servers, HTML, social media, link building, SEO, blog design, etc. Now I do.

With your blog, you instinctively start learning about these stuff and more. Within a short time, you’ll have amassed a ton of valuable new skills that you’ll be proud of. These skills alone can make you thousands of dollars. I know it because that has been the case for me.

30. It eases your personal problems

Everyone has problems. Whether it’s your health, family or finances you have challenges with, blogging can be an avenue to get listening ears and maybe seek help for your personal problems. And isn’t a problem shared halved?

A great example is Alice’s Bucket List, a blog started by 17-year-old Alice who has cancer. She shares her dreams, her experience of cancer and the things she’ll like to accomplish before she passes away.

Not only does she immensely inspire her readers, she also gets support and encouragement from them, which I believe she really needs.

31. It allows you document your life

With a blog, you can tell your stories in form of an online diary. And if you don’t tell your stories, no one else will. And if they do, they might be biased. Or innocently wrong.

I love how that awesome novelist, Chinua Achebe, put it in an interview with The Paris Review:

…I was introduced to the danger of not having your own stories. There is that great proverb — that until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter… Once I realized that, I had to be a writer. I had to be that historian… so that the story of the hunt will also reflect the agony, the travail — the bravery, even, of the lions.

32. It makes you stand out

I believe only 1 percent of Internet users produce the content online. The remaining 99 percent? They just consume. They’re just onlookers watching as humanity progresses and history unfolds.

Don’t just consume, or you might consume anything. Also produce valuable content. By blogging, you stand out from the pack of content consumers who live on others’ ideas online without contributing theirs.

33. It builds your network

Blogging helps you connect with and make friends with people from all walks of life. Thanks to blogging, I’ve come to make friends with people I admire… people everyone else consider as “gurus,” influencers and geniuses.

Again, I’ve met and made friends with many ordinary people making extraordinary impacts. Many of them have helped me grow and maybe one or two of them have got some benefits from me. And I’ve gone ahead to meet many awesome folks who take me as mentors. That feels great.

34. It helps you live forever

You’ve heard it before… that writing can make you live for many centuries after your death. But that’s true only if you publish your words to the world. You won’t live for long after your death if you don’t write at all, or, if you only write and file it.

A blog can help you build a legacy that would outlive you.

Go start something awesome

If one or more of these reasons resonate with you, it’s time to start your own blog.

I leave you with the words of Oprah Winfrey:

Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.

Go start your own blog now.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 89 comments
Abiodun - February 23, 2015

Wow This post motivates me more, I feel my reading through every day.. Thanks

    Abdullahi - April 9, 2015

    Glad it did. 🙂

    Bette - November 7, 2015

    This a fantastic blog. I found it inspiring.
    I just started blogging this month.

Deyanira - March 4, 2015

I wanted to inspire young girls and make them believe that they are capable to do anything they want to do if they desire it. I loved every single sentence! Amazing

    Abdullahi - March 4, 2015

    Sure you can. Keep doing it!

Mabel Blankson - March 12, 2015

A lot of things resonates with me in this blog post. Writing is the one thing that makes me tick and I’m looking forward to becoming best at it. If there is that one thing I’d always do, its blogging!

Great Post, thanks for this!

    Abdullahi - March 12, 2015

    I’m glad you’re digging the piece. 🙂

julie - March 16, 2015

Very informative piece of writing, if someone didn’t blog, they would after reading this 🙂

    Abdullahi - March 16, 2015

    Glad to know that, Julie.

Rossie - April 20, 2015

Such a great post. Been meaning to start a blog but don’t know how. Thanks. Will certainly take advantage of your tutorial. Good job!!!

    Abdullahi - April 21, 2015

    Please do. And do let me know if you have any question along the way 😉

Lovers' Corner - May 9, 2015

That is lovely.

Tosin - May 19, 2015

Your post has really rekindled the fire of blogging I once had.

I started a blog some years ago as a test run (its still on, you can check it out) but the demands of full-time job and raising young kids got the best of me and I couldn’t keep up. I also contributed to Gardener’s daughter blog.

I would love to start a blog. Right now, I’m still battling with options on what to blog about.

I would appreciate some help.


    Abdullahi - May 25, 2015

    Hello Tosin,

    Thanks for stopping by. I would suggest you have a look at>this post which contains some blog niche ideas. Cheers!

      AKWAILER - December 28, 2016

      I have passion for blog too but the topic or niche to blog about has been a problem for me.

        htsboWorker - December 29, 2016

        Hi Akwailer..
        You should try a Topic you are passionate about..Something you can write on daily or share information on. Don’t overthink it..
        It could even be a hobby

Lynette Cole - August 7, 2015

Im just going to do it. Not sure how interesting I will be ….

    Jeff Mazur - December 19, 2015

    Don’t wonder how interesting you will be. DECIDE how interesting you will be.

Junaid Raza - August 30, 2015

I think you have mentioned everything in your post regarding blogging. So, I stand with you.

Calum Tingham - September 6, 2015

Thank you for this post. Number 34 is very motivating. For me, leaving a legacy is extremely important. Possibly because I have a large ego. Or possibly because… no, I have a large ego.
I’ve been confused lately about what to write about, but now I’m discovering the blogging truths, and that’s JUST TO WRITE. Leaving these little comments is part of history in the making. It’s a little depressing that the world has lost its paper books, feather quills and tiny bottles of ink. I am fond of the romance. Still… let’s follow the world and be part of those who add to it.
I am not just a bench warmer!

Abd'Hafeez Badmus - September 22, 2015

A really inspiring piece. Thank you for being you Abdullah.

Olalekan - November 8, 2015

I will only be a glorified fool if I choose to not drop a comment on this lovely post.

Well, there are writers and there are the exceptional ones. Reading through this price alone is enough reason to know where you belong, Tosin.

One thing that makes me merry reading your posts is the professionalism you put into writing them.

If you write in your dreams, it will still be as great as this.

Thanks for your effort to seeing upcoming bloggers grow.

Two more words – You rock!

Ukut Edet - November 8, 2015

Quite inspiring, but I would like to know how to build an audience for my blog. Thanks

Tracey - November 22, 2015

That list was truly inspiring. I came across it as I was wondering why I should bother to jump into the enormous pool of bloggers that already exists. Thank you for answering my question. Carry on!

WHUK - December 4, 2015

Great stuff. Liked all the points.

ify - December 10, 2015

I’m really inspired by this, pls can’t I start blogging without a laptop cos some said it compulsory and I don’t have yet. Pls how can I get in touch with u directly for further discussion and putting through. Thanks.

    Atser - March 2, 2016

    Is it possible for me to start blogging without having a computer (Laptop)?

Vinay - December 15, 2015

Nice article Abdullahi. I have read your several posts and I should tell you that I loved reading it.
This article inspired me to start a blog of my own. I was unsure and was hesitating to start the blog. After reading this post of yours, I thought why not to write a blog about the same thing.

Damien Fynn - January 1, 2016

Hey there,

Great piece. Really informative.

I just wanted to know, this information you’ve accrued, have you come to these realisations as a result of your writing /blogging?

Also I have been toying with the idea of starting my own blog. I have so much I would like to share as well as converse about. I have so many questions of like to put to you. Would that be possible? If so, how?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy the New Year celebrations.

Damien Fynn
[email protected]

    Abdullahi - January 1, 2016

    Hey Damien,

    Yes, I acquired this knowledge from writing and blogging. I was completely clueless when I started. Feel free to reach me at Abdullahi at HowToStartABlogOnline dot net.

Joseph oluwole - January 12, 2016

tanx a lot I appreciate dis am expose to a better way of living now

mystychubby - January 19, 2016

woow…nice tips…thanks….thinking about creating one seriously

Fouad - January 27, 2016

Abdullahi you’ve really done a great job and I’m inspired.

Pamela - January 30, 2016

Thank you, a blog is me, it’s just who I am and what I need; to share…

Senesie - February 15, 2016

Wow! Very inspirational!! I have been fully inspired by your post, the post contains the pros and cons of blooging and at the moment i have made a promise to myself to become a writer in order for my legacy to outlive me when i shall have left this planet.

Bettydom - February 16, 2016

Am inspired.This write up is really helpful and i pray to put it into use.Been reading alot on how to start blogging,but this one is more realistic and straight to the point.Thank u,thank u

Puleng - February 18, 2016

This truly is awesome.
I’ve been thinking of starting a blog, I’m just not techno-savvy. Is this blogging platform available to a South African such as myself?

Hrishikesh - February 24, 2016

Very informative & inspiring.
Thanks for this!!

arafa - February 28, 2016

thank you…,its another motivation

PATRICK CHIEKWE - March 6, 2016

Well done, You have inspired me to blog my ideas that I will like to share with the corporate world as regard environmental education and conservation among the youths in the Niger Delta area. I saw the need to facilitate environmental clubs in the schools but the corporate world do not see the need to support the the program in the Niger Delta area which environmental degradation is the order of the day.
Please advise me on how to create a blog that will enable the corporate companies working in the Niger Delta areas support the program.

smith - March 12, 2016

Am amazed ,and distil at your thoughtful inspiring words…still trying to catch ma breath to pen an appreciation and say thank you…

Queen Shabangu - March 16, 2016

Wonderful article and words of wisdom. This post alone gives me hope and an opportunity to challenge myself. Thank you

Rose - March 18, 2016

this really inspire me but found it expensive to start blog.., thanks anyway

Spencer - March 23, 2016

I just wanted to thank you for this article. I had been on the fence about doing this simply as a hobby and you’ve convinced me it’s the right thing to do.

Jackie - March 25, 2016

I’ve been trying to decide. Is it nothing more than an online diary that you are giving to the world to read? Is it just a place where you can talk as long as you like about anything you choose and say whatever you want? A semi captive audience? What are your expectations from it? Is it somewhat narcissistic? I dont know the answers to any of these questions.

I know that sometimes I have so much to say and nobody to listen. I know that sometimes I share things on FB and people say “wow, that’s just how I feel”. Sometimes I make comments on public posts and I get tons of “likes” from strangers. Do I have the gift of putting in to words what others are thinking and feeling? I know I’ve always been good with words. That’s all I know.

Esmie Martinez - March 30, 2016

Amazing. Thank you. This is all the confirmation I needed to get started. I’m getting a domain and starting today.

Leah Yoneda - April 20, 2016

What a great list! SO much more meaningful than the other lists on the web. Thank you for writing!

Onyi Eze - May 4, 2016

wow! what an awesome post you have hear Abdullahi you have really inspired me with your post. sometimes I really wonder why I should start a blog but now I know. but my worry is how can I continue to source information that can sustain my blog for years. pls your answer will be of great help to me

Brainbox - May 5, 2016

Wow am impress by your post, am looking forward to blogging because i believe i have alot to share to the world.

Tauqir Hussain - May 9, 2016

Hi Abdullahi,
Good points covered by you. If you are a serious blogger, it definitely brings discipline in your life. As you mentioned improves writing and after gaining popularity, everyone wishes they would have had started sooner.

Kind Regards.

emmason - May 10, 2016

thank you very much for this educating and innovative bolg

Amit tripathi - May 12, 2016

Wow very very nice information thanks for sharing with us.

chance - May 12, 2016

thanks Abdullahi, just had to let u kno this is personally very inspirational. we need people like u tk steps which encourage others to do same and continue the chain. i appreciate!

Jennifer - May 20, 2016

This is a wonderful article and has me wanting to start my own blog. My only concern, do I start it attached to /as part of the teaching website I want to create, or have them be two separate websites? Thoughts? (They would be related as both have to do with languages)

    Abdullahi - May 20, 2016

    Hey Jennifer,

    I think it would be best you create the blog and the website together. The blog in that case would be a part of the teaching website.

karuoyadem - June 5, 2016

am lookin foward to start my own blogg.cause i got much to share..

simsy_#peace - June 14, 2016

i love dis, it is motivating….starting my very soon

Sarah Richards - June 19, 2016

This is one of the best posts I’ve read about why to blog. You’ve given me some great ideas to include in my scholarship essay. Thank you for sharing.

Kenneth - June 19, 2016

Wow! having read your piece, I am inspired to start a blog. If there is one thing I love and know how to do whole heartedly, is gospel rapping. Thanks!

GreenLewis - June 28, 2016

Thank you Abdullahi for this piece. quite insightful and practicable. Easy read and leading. All 34 resonates with me. I have more material to start and a domain name already. Last year I got a host account but was stock at designing my pages.
I hope our contact will transform this plateau towards the peak of what has been smothering within for a long time now.
Keep up the good work. Well done.

Zia Subhan - June 29, 2016

Wow! It’s really inspiring people who want to start blogging. These points also are the reason why I love blogging as my profession. 🙂

Nice share!

Best regards,

Mary Job - July 1, 2016

Wonderful benefits listed, i like the part where you said it enables one to learn more, get help and help others. I am so sharing if you don’t mind, thanks.

golu babu - July 2, 2016

Hai this is my website created please

Asgayasu Yui - July 3, 2016

Such an inspiration to start a blog. Thank you Abdullahi for this piece!

Awwal - July 6, 2016

Abdulah, help me out,Am just a school cert but I am thinking big of building a blog site help me out pls, Whatsapp no 08177489429

Robert Bates - July 12, 2016

Blogs do inspire which is evident from reading the comments of your posts. Blogs are a little work, but the work is fun and enjoyable – as I think work should be.

A very excellent post. I had never actually gone through all of the positive elements that blogging creates for both writer and reader.

Great work!

Wise Startup blog - July 15, 2016

I started blogging when I was 24, and ever since I’ve been able to work from home, on my own schedule, and live the life I want, instead of having to work for “the man”.

Thanks for creating this resource.

Linda - July 30, 2016

Just turned 60, custody of grandkids was given back to mommy, THEN got diagnosed w/breast cancer!
Talk about changes……..I need an outlet! Blogging came to mind and now after reading this, it’s definitely something I NEED to do!!

Siddhartha Bhattacharya - July 31, 2016

Truly a inspirational post! All the benefits of blogging have been highlighted beautifully and with great thought..
Newcomers would definitely be inspired to start their own blog and create something unique to help other people.

Alice Louise - August 3, 2016

Thank you for all the information. I also am struggling with the idea of starting a blog or not… or just jump into it.

Md.Hadiur Rahman - August 23, 2016

Really surprised! A lot of thingks about this…

melody - August 24, 2016

Thanks for the info it really is helpful. Am journalism student who just created a blog , I don’t have any ideas to blog about.

Deepak - August 27, 2016

this post is fruitful for me and getting something new about why we blogging?

Naomi - August 28, 2016

Wow am new to bloggin, yours is a good way to start. Just wish I get the steps right, sure to contact you if any difficulties

Anh Nguyen - August 28, 2016


This is a powerful post, thank you so much for reminding me why blogging is great. I love how you start by sharing your experiences on your hobbies that you’ve started and didn’t follow through.

I am also a blogger, yet I rarely share my personal story there. I hope I can incorporate it more often in my writing like you.

Sometimes it’s quite scary, I’d think: would it be too dark, complicated? Then again I believe it would make the blog more worth it, both to me and my readers.

Thanks for sharing!


Kingsley Obi - September 14, 2016

Honestly, I must not fail to admit that this post from you, Abdullahi, is highly irresistible for anyone who sincerely desires to be a blogger not read word to word.
It was my quest and search for the right guide that led me to this wonderful and informative post.
Thanks so much, I look forward to meeting with you in no distant time when the impact of this great post of yours must have started producing immense results in my blogging career.

Rowena McGregor - November 19, 2016

Abdullahi thank you so much for this article. I have been blogging for years, I really enjoy clarifying my thinking, getting to the heart of the matter, being reflective about controversial issues and also I have a few fellow blogger friends who comment and push me to think harder and deeper – hopefully I do the same for them 🙂
Recently I have been questioning my blogging though – I don’t have a squillion readers, get 30 hits a day or anything like that – am I wasting my time? Your post has reaffirmed that the value and pleasure I get from blogging is reward enough.
Thanks heaps!

Moshood Kazeem - December 7, 2016

Well said, its inspiring. Would love to start blogging to counsel younger generation about career choice.

Joshua Wambua - December 23, 2016

Well, this is an awesome piece. I started blogging three months ago and this has motivated me keep up and push on. Thank you

superhero presents - March 18, 2018

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your great posts, have a nice evening!

Manas Ranjan Meher - May 17, 2018

Truly inspiring! I enjoyed every bit of this post. The point that hit me the most was “It makes you happy”, I myself am a blogger and helping others gives me a deep satisfaction and happiness. I think it’s a good reason to start blogging.

Thanks for this awesome post. Keep inspiring.

Deepa mishra - June 7, 2018

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Nam Nguyen - June 24, 2018

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The Queen Youtube - July 18, 2018

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all the time.

hyiprank.com - August 11, 2018

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I have absolutely no expertise in coding however I had been hoping to start my own blog soon. Anyways,
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I understand this is off subject nevertheless I simply needed to ask.
Many thanks!

Star it - September 22, 2018

Thank you for the very useful article. I have started my blog and hope everything will be fine


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